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CPA is an acronym for Cost per Action and refers to 'ads' that are sold on the basis that money is only given when a certain action occurs because of the ad. A CPA ad could be one in which a publisher gets paid for people that click thru an ad and sign up for a newsletter or enter a contest or fill out a form for more information on a product. Many consider direct sales or Cost Per Sale ads, and CPC ads to also be a form of CPA. But CPA usually refers to being paid for leads, sign ups, and so on. Board Statistics Who's Online 101 users active in the past 15 minutes (4 members, 1 of whom is invisible, and 94 guests). Bing, Google, UptimeRobot, Today's Birthdays (43), (31), (28), (29), (30), (25), (41), (26), (30), (20), (49), (29), (27), (32), (48), (21), (28), (29), (24), (33), (25), (21), (27), (24), (39), (39) Board Statistics Our members have made a total of 216,673 posts in 205,487 threads.
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But to get serious, you are ready to promote. This is because you can't get conversions without promoting. Also, if you don't promote your video correctly, you will see absolutely no results. This is a big turn off, right?
Well, it was to me, but it only made me more persistent as an affiliate marketer. I can't stress how much patience and persistence you need in order to yield results from CPA marketing. With this Youtube blackhat CPA method, I am going you how to promote like a champion and get those conversions that you dream of. All you need to do is follow this tutorial. If you implement this guide correctly, you should see great results towards promoting your niche with this Youtube blackhat CPA method. Overall, this guide is probably the best one within this series.
It's the meat and potatoes of this whole series. So if you are half alert or unmotivated right now, please bookmark this post and save it for later! Furthermore, I would recommend that you take one bite at a time.
Don't rush things. Let nature take it's course and learn as much as you can. Don't information overload yourself because that can be pretty ugly. emailcta/emailcta I'm going to show you. How To Rank Your Youtube Video This is by far the most valuable part of this Youtube blackhat cpa method. Also, I am mentioning this information first, so that I can introduce you to the methods we are going to take when promoting our Youtube videos. What I am saying is that knowing this following content will help you as a CPA marketer on Youtube.
First off, ranking a Youtube video is a skill. Just like any other skill, you need to learn for yourself or learn from the experienced professionals. However, I'd really like to simplify this guide as much as possible. You see, the term 'ranking Youtube videos' is too broad I think. I believe that it would help you as an affiliate marketer to only have tunnel vision of our type of promotion methods which are totally blackhat. The truth is, unless you are a genius manipulator, most people are not going to fall for your 'hack'.
It's not the overall audience you are targeting. It's the fools and the people that don't pay attention; It's just the way it works.
With this being said, you are not going to get a lot of view time and engagement on your Youtube video from the people who don't fall for your 'hack'. We need a way to manipulate this, so we can take advantage of the Youtube ranking algorithm. With this being said, us marketers that are approaching Youtube in a blackhat perspective need to approach Youtube SEO in little bit different way than the people who normally promote their videos. Since I have been doing CPA marketing for years now, I would love to show you the key elements you need, in order to rank a Youtube video with CPA marketing from the blackhat perspective. With this being said, the first powerful element you need to learn about Youtube's ranking is the precious element of time. Beat Authority And Ride The Element Of Time No matter how much you hate time, it's never going to leave you.
In fact, when we are ranking Youtube videos, timing is very important. Let's do some research so I can prove this to you. We want to see if Youtube is really big on authority vs. Time by searching a pretty big search term which is the 'iPhone 7 review'. First off, it's important that we see when exactly the iPhone 7 really came out.
We do this because we want to see the date it trended. When we find out the date a niche trended, we can get a sense of the timeframe people had to start posting videos, in order to rank. This is a great opportunity to practice using Google Trends by searching the term 'iPhone 7'. Here are the first two results I get with Youtube. As you can see, the first result has far more subscribers, it was only posted 3 months ago and the video is rank one. On the other hand, you can see that the second video was posted 6 months ago and has just over 10 percent of the subscribers the first video. Could this be the power of authority behind Youtube?
You see, this is why you must find a good low competition niche. The video that's on the second position only had a chance because the producer promoted the video at the right time. So, as you can see, a great way to find a is by utilizing the element of time and I told you this in my last tutorial! With this being said, it's important to time your niches right. Don't be too late on a niche and not understand why your video isn't ranking! However, we can skew the power of authority a little bit and have great chances to rank with this Youtube blackhat cpa method. Behold, the power of watch time. Manipulate The Metric Of Watch Time The biggest ranking factor with Youtube SEO is watch time. If you post a great video that receives a lot of watch time, then your video will be loved by Youtube.
It's just that simple. I just cannot stress this enough and you can see how much Youtube loves the metric of watch time. If you think im crazy, then perhaps Youtube's own Cristos Goodrow may convince you! Earning High Retention Views Yourself Most professionals won't tell you that you can manipulate the watch time metric in Youtube within your videos all by yourself. This is because they aren't making any money compared to what they could be making by selling sh.
products and services. /rantover Now within this Youtube blackhat CPA method, It takes no knowledge at all and it just requires a little bit of time from your hands.
So, if you were a poor college student like me or money is just not an option for you, then I would suggest that you follow this method for getting high retention views. First of all, we will be using what is called a Youtube Exchange service. The current service I recommend is. This service allows us to watch other people's Youtube videos, get credits, and in return redeem those credits on our Youtube videos.
It's very simple to utilize and it's a perfect tool to use for this youtube blackhat CPA method. The main thing you need to know about YTMonster is how to watch videos to receive credits and how to redeem those credits for high retention views on your Youtube video. How to use YTMonster.
Sign up with YTMonster. Find a computer that you can use to do nothing but watch Youtube videos. If you don't have and extra computer, then you can use your current computer. All YTMonster requires is a web browser, preferably chrome.
You need to do is be signed up and logged into YTMonster. Again, if you haven't signed up, do that. Your screen should look like this. Click 'Client X.X.X' Note: I say X.X.X because the version number might change. For our case, the version number is So our button we need to click is 'Client'. Now, you need to just click the button 'Open X.X.X.X-beta'.
Click 'Start' and now a Youtube video API should appear. Decrease your volume all the way down on the Youtube video and just continue on your work as you build credits. Now your computer should be watching videos automatically. You're gaining credits by doing this, so don't mess with the video 🙂. Go to the home page. On the sidebar, click 'CAMPAIGNS'. Click 'New Campaign'.
Enter in your Youtube URL. Enter in the amount of length in seconds you want them to watch your video for. For a high retention view, I always put in 0 about 80 percent of the actual video time. So if your video is 6 minutes long, put in 288 seconds. For the amount, this all depends on you competition. I'm going to go ahead and make the amount '500'.
Now, this is an important part. Go to 'advanced settings' an on the randomize view settings put in your inputted view time minus 10-20 seconds. This will make your retention views look more legit. Click 'Submit'. Hiring an SEO professional For High Retention Views SEOClerks is basically the heart of high quality blackhat SEO services. Pretty much everything that is on the market is with in your price range.
For example, if you can't find a service within your budget, chances are you can find the same exact service from someone else for cheap. However, I have noticed that quality comes with the investment you put in.
The last thing you want as an aspiring CPA marketer is to get low quality views from someone, just because their services were cheap. This ofcourse would lead into your video getting deindexed from Google & Youtube. You don't want that!
So, we did some carefully crafted research and found out that these people are the best for this Youtube blackhat CPA method! Fake Your Youtube Likes, Comments, and Subscriptions (LCS) Just like baking a cake, there are multiple ingredients to a recipe. Now that we have really good high retention views on our Youtube video, we want to make it look as legit as possible. If we have 1,000 something views and no likes or just plain dislikes, then we don't really look legit to the viewers or Youtube.
By changing this, it increases our ranking a little bit but not as much compared to watch time. We need to make sure that we have about 10% of our views as likes.
Doing this makes our Youtube channel look really legit and we can fool some people by these metrics. Secondly we need to make sure we level out our subscriptions and comments on our video as well. Although comments are a little hard to achieve on a Youtube video, they are very well worth it and provide a great sense of value. The same goes for subscribers.
This is a great way to 'boost up' your authority with Youtube. How To Get Likes, Comments, and Subscriptions (LCS) Yourself First off, I would like to mention that YTMonster doesn't only allow you to redeem your points on watch time, but it allows you to redeem them on likes, comments, and subscriptions. So, take a look at those options when you are trying to figure out how to get some high quality engagement from your 'audience'. There is also another method to getting likes, comments, and subscriptions. Honestly, this is like shooting fish in a barrel! I've done this with multiple videos and I'll do it again. Basically what you need to do in order to get a lot of likes,comments, and subscriptions is do a fake giveaway.
Literally all you have to say is something around the lines of 'Hey Youtube, it's name again with another video and I'm excited to annouce that i'm giving away number. All you have to do is like,comment, and subscribe! Or, another way of doing this is by adding a simple like,comment, and subscribe video clip at the end of your video! Because of it's simplicity, we will be using outro videos for this Youtube blackhat CPA method.
You will notice that a lot of the viewers that are being fooled will like, comment, and subscribe via your Youtube video! This is because they want free stuff.
How To Hire People For Likes, Comments, and Subscriptions (LCS) Buyer Beware Again, if money is no issue to you, then you can purchase likes, comments, and subscriptions. However, you need to be very cautious when buying these types of services. The most important scalable element between likes, comments, and subscriptions we think is likes & subscriptions. This is because likes & subscriptions are harder to detect, rather than comments.
So now that you know the background on how we are going to be ranking for Youtube videos, it's time to keep these in mind & show you the actual labor it takes for us to complete the Youtube blackhat cpa method. Researching Existing Content For Your Niche Because this post was designed explicitly around the SHORTCODE ERROR: ThirstyAffiliates did not detect a valid link id, please check your short code! For beginners series, I will be showing you how to get started with finding content for the niche you have chosen that has a SHORTCODE ERROR: ThirstyAffiliates did not detect a valid link id, please check your short code! Landing page.
There are two parts of content that we need to copy:. We want to do this because we will be portraying as the original video creator. The whole purpose of this method is to take the content and use it for yourself. By doing this, we save time and money by using a video that is already created. All we have to do is create a replica of the landing page the content creator had in his or her video.
If we do everything efficiently, we will be able to scale multiple niches by using this strategy. So, these steps are very crucial guys so don't get distracted and pay attention! Researching For The Perfect Youtube Video We need to first do some research on good videos related to our niche. If we find something, we can save it. Here are the steps you need to take when finding videos for your niche.
Researching For The Perfect Landing Page This step is actually the easiest. You know why? Because you don't have to do anything really! Since we are using the same video another person has created, we are just going to copy the look of his CPABuild landing page by just using his or her template and filling in the necessary parameters. We will also get more into this later but just know for now with this youtube blackhat CPA method we don't need to copy the link of any landing pages. Recording Your Found Content If you are following directions and have read through the past two tutorials first, then you should have all your easy niches in a spreadsheet somewhere. I told you all in the last tutorial that we are going to be utilizing the 'Is There Existing Content?'
Section later. Well, now is the time! 🙂 Now that you have found a Youtube video with CPABuild content directly for your niche, put it in that spreadsheet column like this. Just repeat this same process for each niche that you have found as an easy niche to rank for. The more the better! Doing this allows you to be more organized. So, if your computer crashes and your history is gone, then you still have a detailed log on the video you have just found.
Downloading Your Chosen Video Now that we have researched the best possible videos for our niche and logged it into a spreadsheet, it's time to download the video. The best way I recommend to download a Youtube video is to use a program such as. With this program, you are able to download any video you want. So, what you are going to do is refer back to your spreadsheet.
When you have opened your spreadsheet, you are going to want to download the video you have logged into your spreadsheet, corresponding with your niche within the 'Is There Existing Content?' Great, now that we have the link, we are ready to download the video. I bet some of you didn't know that you could download a Youtube video. Let me show you how 🙂 How to download a Youtube video with Keepvid. Downloading The Files For Your Landing Page Okay, so this is the sneaky part of the tutorial.
Now that we have found existing CPABuild affiliates and we have copied their videos, we want to replicate their landing page! This is so the user that gets fooled by our video will go to the same landing page and get the same experience that he or she saw in the video we copied. For example, if you put a completely different landing page other than the one that was created, then the users won't believe your video as much. Now, I want you to pay attention here because matching the right landing page takes some skill. However, eventually you will be able to know what landing page each affiliate is using in his or her Youtube video by remembering. Here are the different types of templates CPABuild offers for gaming niches. From here, you need to select your template type.
Mine is the 'Games - Video Generator'. Name the modification name to anything that you would like. Don't worry about the description and all of that. Press 'Save As New Template'. PICTURE.
Scroll down the page. This is the fun part of this Youtube blackhat CPA method. We get to upload all of the picture files, which we have downloaded. Please note, that all parameters may not be consistent with mine, because I may be using a different template from you. This is just for you to get an idea of what we will be doing. Instantly I can see that I need to upload a background image. I just do this by going to the images within my niche folder and selecting the appropriate image to upload.
The upload is pretty self-explanatory. Make sure you press 'select' to select that picture.
For the main logo image I am going to select my 'logo.png' image which I have downloaded. For the title, you need to make it exactly what it says on the landing page that you are copying. The title is not the tag for html. It is the top most header on the page. The rule of thumb is, if the text is already filled out, don't fill it out. So, I just leave the Video Title and Video Header how it is.
For the Video URL, this is the video that will be playing in my template. Again, use the same video he or she has put on his or her landing page. You can do this by going to the landing page, right clicking on the YouTube video and pressing 'Copy video URL'. Producing The Video Now, in all honesty I use paid video production software.However for this Youtube blackhat CPA method, I have taken into consideration that a lot of my viewers do not have the money to buy video production software such as Adobe Premiere'.
Therefore, I'm going to recommend a free open-source video production software. I have used this off and on but I will show you want you need to do in order to produce a great video.
This production software is called Blender. It's a very sophisticated program but I will show you the basics you need to do, in order to produce an excellent video for Youtube! Before we do this, it's important that you know about Youtube's copyright algorithm and how we can get past this. Bypassing Youtube's Copyright Algorithm As you may know, Youtube doesn't think strongly of creators copying Youtube videos. One of the many ways I and other professionals have found out how Youtube finds copied videos is by the MD5 hash checksum.
Basically, Youtube can detect that you have uploaded somebody else's Youtube video is the MD5 hash matches the current video. If they find you, they will not rank your video properly and will just tease you.
One way of getting past this is just by changing the meta data of the file itself or using some sort of program. However, we don't want to download untrusted programs. We want to utilize the most simplistic and effective ways towards dodging Youtube's great copyright algorithm with this blackhat CPA method. This way is also better than changing the MD5 hash.
The most simplistic and effective way I know of doing this is by utilizing the concepts that I have previously mentioned with getting likes, comments, and subscribers. The Outro Video Method For this particular method, we are going to be adding just a simple outro clip at the end of the video! By doing this, it automatically makes our Youtube video unique and we are home free. Here's the clip that we will be adding on the end of the video. It is now rendering your production into a playable video file.
Congrats, you made your first video with Blender. If this wasn't your first video, then congrats anyways 😛 Creating Your Youtube Thumbnail A lot of the times my wealthy hustlers will say 'Trent, I'm not getting any views besides my paid views'.
And I'm like. 'what's your video thumbnail look like?' 90 percent of the time, they say 'what thumbnail?'
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Well, in case you didn't know, a Youtube video thumbnail is what your viewer see. Essentially it's like the meta description on a. You need to attract to your audience and in this case, Youtube offers you a great way to do this. If you don't know how to create a video thumbnail, you can easily do it with. In my last tutorial I showed you how to sign up with vidIQ. Here's a wonderful video that shows you how to make a thumbnail for this Youtube blackhat CPA method. Uploading & Optimizing Your CPA Video On Youtube Now that we have done all the research and work producing the video, it's time to upload & optimize it on Youtube! After that, we need to either purchase services or manipulate the metrics that rank our Youtube video.
If we do this correctly, we will be able to promote this to a larger audience, depending on our search volume. A portion of them will fall for our 'hack' and then we will be noticing a lot of clicks on our landing page!
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This is the most important part of the process. So, if you have little to no attention to be paid, save this tutorial for later. Also, if we fail to optimize our content and buy or do SEO services on that video, then it's all a waste because Youtube doesn't know what you are trying to rank for. In order to get something you need to ask. It's just how Youtube works. Better yet, it's how life works. How to upload our CPA Youtube video.
In your title section, make sure that you include your niche name and what you are offering. So for example, if you are offering a mario superstars sports hack, then title your video something fancy like 'Mario Sports Superstars Coin Hack DATE'.
Generate your tags, so you know what keywords you have potential to rank for. I do this by heading over to In the video title, I just put niche what I offer.
With this, it's able to spit out some great tags for Youtube. Copy these all and paste them into the tags for Youtube. In your description, make it no less than 200 characters. This part needs to be very descriptive about your niche.
You must include your niche name and what you are offering about 5 times to let Youtube know you want to rank for that term. At the first of my description, I always put my landing page link on the top 3-5 times and then a brief description. Lastly, I come up with a bunch of keywords that I put all of my youtube tags at the end of the video. Upload your video thumbnail. By clicking 'custom thumbnail' and upload your thumbnail that you've created.
Click 'advanced settings' and change the category to 'Gaming'. Press 'Publish' It's on the top right hand corner of your screen.
Did This Tutorial Help You Rank Your First Youtube Video? No but in all serious, I really hope you learn everything I've talked about with this Youtube blackhat CPA method. Like I said, this guide will take a long time to both interpret and implement. I know you have heard this before but this is not a get rich quick scheme! CPA marketing takes a lot of effort but it is well worth it in the future. But anyways, now that you have uploaded your video and optimized it correctly, give yourself a pat on the back. This guide took me a really long time to make so I apologize for the wait but I appreciate all of your support.
With this being said, I really appreciate all of the shares and feedback I get. This really helps me out and I couldn't thank my fan base more. Because of the complexity and information there is on this guide, I'd ask that you please share it with your friends, family, or forums. It really helps me out a lot. I will keep adding tutorials to my series, but now I think it's time to start another series! What could it be? I read a bit about CPA and decided to use a niche for a currency generator for this game.
However, almost immediately after I uploaded it, it got flagged. I’m assuming it was because it was a fairly fresh account with little activity.
The main thing I’m asking is if I posted it on my normal multi-year old account, would I risk getting banned, or would I just get flagged with no major consequences (other than the fact that I can’t upload). I don’t have any other aged accounts and I don’t want my primary account to get closed or banned. So I previously posted about my blackhat game hack vids getting insta-flagged.
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I started it up again, this time with less clickbaity tags, and it’s been up for the past few days. Bought about 5k views, 300 likes, and 30 or so comments, but for some reason, no matter how far I scroll down when I look the niche up, it doesn’t show up. Even 3 year old videos with 10 views are in the first page and I can’t find mine anywhere. I had just 2 people somehow find it, though CPABuild doesn’t have a single offer for either of their countries. I’d try to put in more views, but I’m afraid it might not work and it’d be better to just find a much less obscure niche and try my luck with that. What’s up Trent? First of all thanks for your time to write this awesome tutorial!
So, I recently got into YouTube and I want to post a video. But I’m not sure what’s the safest procedure I’m not sure how many views/likes/comments to buy on the first day and after that. I’m also not sure if I should stay away from including the keyword ‘hack’ in my title.
I’d also like to know if you have any idea if the ‘unlisted’ method still works. Can you please help me with that?
This is the most important part that sadly I can’t really find a clear explanation to I’d really appreciate your help! Thank you a bunch in advance!