De Labyrintrenner Ebook

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The Maze Runner Files is a 50+ page collection of classified records and concealed information from the world of the New York Times bestselling Maze Runner series. Lost emails between WICKED employees, memos meant to be destroyed after reading, and a selection of the Gladers suppressed memories make up this e-original short. These documents offer a unique glimpse of the wo The Maze Runner Files is a 50+ page collection of classified records and concealed information from the world of the New York Times bestselling Maze Runner series.

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De Labyrintrenner Ebook

Lost emails between WICKED employees, memos meant to be destroyed after reading, and a selection of the Gladers suppressed memories make up this e-original short. These documents offer a unique glimpse of the world of The Maze Runner and are a must for any fan of The Maze Runner. ✫✬⭐ 3/5 STARS ⭐✭✫ Genre: Young AdultScience Fiction Dystopia WOW: How much useful information you get. EW: Something James told before, and now changed it in here. POV: Files, also 3-POV Male READ: 2 times. WORTH IT?: For a novella, its really good. ✎Review: So we get a lot in this short book.

From files from wicked, to the 3rd phase from Minho eyes. I flew trough it, and i was just sad that it was over. BUT WHAT DID I NOT LIKE THEN?

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Well, there is a part in th ✫✬⭐️ 3/5 STARS ⭐️✭✫ Genre: Young AdultScience Fiction Dystopia WOW: How much useful information you get. EW: Something James told before, and now changed it in here. POV: Files, also 3-POV Male READ: 2 times. WORTH IT?: For a novella, its really good. ✎Review: So we get a lot in this short book.

From files from wicked, to the 3rd phase from Minho eyes. I flew trough it, and i was just sad that it was over. BUT WHAT DID I NOT LIKE THEN? Well, there is a part in this book, which covers the first meeting of Teresa and Thomas as kids. But we did get that at the end of the Kill order. This book was made before that. So James changed it, and made in much better in the Kill order.

But here, it's so different, and bad. And the thing is, it makes it so unprofessional. But for the rest, we read files from the people who made the flare, we read files from people from wicked. We read about Frypan, and how it felt to get his Memories back. And we read from Minho, how his phase 3 was. And it was all so freaking good. I like Minho much more after this.

✧Beste Quotes: “We can't play God. We can't do this to kids. You're evil, I'm evil.

Everyone will die. No matter what.

Let nature win.” ✗Little notes: - Really, is worth the read. Go find it for free online or something, but read it. ❖REST OF THE SERIES: ✶The Kill Order (The Maze Runner, #0.5) ✶The Fever Code (The Maze Runner, #0.6) ✶The Maze Runner (The Maze Runner, #1) ✶The Scorch Trials (The Maze Runner, #2) ✶The Death Cure (The Maze Runner, #3) shorts: ✶The Maze Runner Files.

I enjoyed reading this, but I can't give it more than 3 stars, since it was excesively short and didn't really clarify much about the story. As a complement to the saga it's good and fun, but it's missing a lot to be justified as a separate book. It could be just an annex for some special edition of The Maze Runner, but a separate book seems like a waste for so little.

Also, I was hoping it would include the second epilogue from The Kill Order that was only in certain editions, and that I had to I enjoyed reading this, but I can't give it more than 3 stars, since it was excesively short and didn't really clarify much about the story. As a complement to the saga it's good and fun, but it's missing a lot to be justified as a separate book. It could be just an annex for some special edition of The Maze Runner, but a separate book seems like a waste for so little. Also, I was hoping it would include the second epilogue from The Kill Order that was only in certain editions, and that I had to search and read online, despite it being important to the closure of that prequel: the one about the first meeting of Thomas and Teresa. But instead, strangely, this books has a different story about that event that contradicts the other one, so. I don't know what to think. PS: And what's up with Thomas's father calling him Thomas?

That name was given to him by WICKED afterwards, it even mentions that in this same book. Maybe it can be justified as a glitch in Thomas altered memories or something like that, but to me, it seems like a sloppy mistake. The Maze Runner Files is supplementary material. It's over quick and it's for people that have read the series already. There are some emails written between members of Wicked and between the people responsible for the virus. Nothing big is revealed, it's just a reminder that there were people behind those projects.

More interestingly are a few random chapters from the points of view of Thomas, Frypan, and Minho. They're basically a bone thrown to fans. No big reveals but it was interesting to g The Maze Runner Files is supplementary material.

It's over quick and it's for people that have read the series already. There are some emails written between members of Wicked and between the people responsible for the virus. Nothing big is revealed, it's just a reminder that there were people behind those projects. More interestingly are a few random chapters from the points of view of Thomas, Frypan, and Minho.

They're basically a bone thrown to fans. No big reveals but it was interesting to get a few pages of material that could have been in the books. Really, there's not much of a point to this. I would have much rather had more random chapters from various other characters or even some more backstory. There's potential there but it wasn't captured. I was kind of disappointed by this.

Finally, some answers! I wonder why I bothered with The Scorch Trials and The Death Cure. Only drawback was it's length(too short.), and that's why it got 3 stars. This book also showed me Prologue(about Newt's first memory of WICKED) and 1 chapter(about when Thomas got his new name) of The Fever Code and it was promising, too. I realize that I'm naturally very curious person and can't satisfied until I got enough answers, and that's why I kept reading this series even if I complained a lot Finally, some answers! I wonder why I bothered with The Scorch Trials and The Death Cure.

Only drawback was it's length(too short.), and that's why it got 3 stars. This book also showed me Prologue(about Newt's first memory of WICKED) and 1 chapter(about when Thomas got his new name) of The Fever Code and it was promising, too. I realize that I'm naturally very curious person and can't satisfied until I got enough answers, and that's why I kept reading this series even if I complained a lot along the way.

Personalmente disfrute mucho leyendo la saga de Maze Runner. Cuando salio este nuevo libro, al que yo catalogo como un relato porque es sumamente breve, me vino de golpe esa sensacion de nostalgia. Compre el libro lo mas rapido que pude y lo lei de un tiron. La contratapa del libro asi como los comentarios de la mayoria de las personas que lo habian leido, hacian referencia a que finalmente estabamos ante el esclarecimiento de todas las dudas que pudieran haber quedado respecto de la serie. Pri Personalmente disfrute mucho leyendo la saga de Maze Runner. Cuando salio este nuevo libro, al que yo catalogo como un relato porque es sumamente breve, me vino de golpe esa sensacion de nostalgia. Compre el libro lo mas rapido que pude y lo lei de un tiron.

De Labyrintrenner Ebook

La contratapa del libro asi como los comentarios de la mayoria de las personas que lo habian leido, hacian referencia a que finalmente estabamos ante el esclarecimiento de todas las dudas que pudieran haber quedado respecto de la serie. Primero que nada me gustaria decir que no comparto la afirmacion acerca de que hubiera quedado alguna incognita importante por despejar, personalmente luego de leer la precuela creo que quedo bastante claro que fue lo que paso cuando se desataron las llamaradas solares que devastaron la Tierra, como se origino la plaga que posteriormente se denomino 'La LLamarada', de donde provinieron tanto Thomas como Teresa y cual era la finalidad que habia detras de la organizacion CRUEL. Si a alguien le quedo alguna duda al respecto, considero que es porque no entendio la precuela.

Habiendo dicho lo anterior, tome este nuevo relato con gran expectativa porque no me imaginaba que incognitas se podian llegar a develar en el. Y como me lo temi desde un principio, no se trataba mas que de la narracion de algunas escenas especificas de los libros de la saga, desde el punto de vista de quienes estaban detras de los experimentos. Tambien se muestran memorandums, cartas o fragmentos de conversaciones ocurridos entre personas pertenecientes al CPC o CRUEL, en donde se cuentan algunos detalles acerca de lo que sentian esas personas o como es que se fueron tomando las desiciones que desembocaron en lo que todos ya conocemos. No me malinterpreten, no digo que el relato sea malo, no considero que lo sea, resulta interesante leer todos estos documentos sacados a la luz. Nunca esta de mas conocer un poco mas acerca del punto de vista de quienes tomaron las desiciones. Pero yo esperaba bastante mas del relato, me parece que no amerita sacar un libro que solamente contenga esta informacion, considero que lo que se narra en el, bien podria haber sido colocado como un anexo dentro de la precuela de la saga.

De Labyrintrenner Ebook Download Free

Es debido a la alta expectativa que se genero en mi, que no puedo evitar sentirme un poco decepcionado y por eso le otorgo unicamente 3 estrellas. De todas formas considero que es una lectura interesante, no esta de mas y todo aquel que se considere fanatico de la saga deberia de leerla. Por cierto hay una contradiccion en el relato y es que en uno de sus pasajes, el padre de Thomas, se refiere a el llamandolo 'Thomas', cuando es bien sabido que el nombre 'Thomas' se lo dan dentro de la organizacion CRUEL.