How To Uninstall Blue Coat Without Password

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If you're using Peer 2 Peer software such uTorrent, BitTorrent or similar you must either fully uninstall it or completely disable it from running while being assisted here. If you have illegal/cracked software (MS Office, Adobe Products), cracks, keygens, custom (Adobe) host file, etc. On the system, please remove or uninstall them now and read the policy on.

Failure to remove such software will result in your topic being closed and no further assistance being provided. Please run a Quick Scan with Malwarebytes For Malwarebytes ver: 1.75 Open up Malwarebytes Settings Tab Scanner Settings Under action for PUP Select: Show in Results List and Check for removal. Please Update and run a Quick Scan with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, post the report.

Make sure that everything is checked, and click Remove Selected. For Malwarebytes 2.0, please run a Threat Scan Click on Settings Detection and Protection Non-Malware Protection PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program) detections Make sure it's set to Treat detections as malware Same for PUM (Potentially Unwanted Modifications) Quarantine all that's found Then. Please download and run to your desktop. Close out the program Don't Fix anything!

Don't run any other options, they're not all bad!!!!!!! Post back the report which should be located on your desktop. ( please don't put logs in code or quotes and use the default font) MrC Note: Please read all of my instructions completely including these.

Make sure system restore is turned on and running. Create a new restore point Make sure you're subscribed to this topic: Click on the Follow This Topic Button (at the top right of this page), make sure that the Receive notification box is checked and that it is set to Instantly Removing malware can be unpredictable.unlikely but things can go very wrong! Backup any files that cannot be replaced. You can copy them to a CD/DVD, external drive or a pen drive Please don't run any other scans, download, install or uninstall any programs while I'm working with you.

The removal of malware isn't instantaneous, please be patient. When we are done, I'll give to instructions on how to cleanup all the tools and logs Please stick with me until I give you the 'all clear' and Please don't waste my time by leaving before that. Your topic will be closed if you haven't replied within 3 days! Make sure you have created a restore point and. Download Delfix from and save it to your desktop.

Place a check mark in front of. Create registry backup Quarantine Manager check what you want restored now click on Restore. Please download to your desktop.

Shut down your protection software now to avoid potential conflicts. Run the tool by double-clicking it.

If you are using Windows Vista or Seven, right-mouse click it and select Run as Administrator. The tool will open and start scanning your system. Please be patient as this can take a while to complete depending on your system's specifications. On completion, a log (JRT.txt) is saved to your desktop and will automatically open. Post the contents of JRT.txt into your next message.

If you're using Malwarebytes 2.0, please run a Threat Scan Click on settings Detection and Protection Non-Malware Protection PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program) detections Make sure it's set to Treat detections as malware Same for PUM (Potentially Unwanted Modifications) Quarantine All that's found MrC. OK.Next: Please read the directions carefully so you don't end up deleting something that is good!! If in doubt about an entry.please ask or choose Skip!!!! Don't Delete anything unless instructed to! If you get the warning about a file UnsignedFile.Multi.Generic or LockedFile.Multi.Generic please choose Skip and click on Continue If a suspicious object is detected, the default action will be Skip, click on Continue Please note that TDSSKiller can be run in safe mode if needed. Please download the latest version of TDSSKiller from and save it to your Desktop. Doubleclick on TDSSKiller.exe to run the application, then click on Change parameters.

( Leave the KSN box checked). Put a checkmark beside loaded modules. A reboot will be needed to apply the changes.

TDSSKiller will launch automatically after the reboot. Also your computer may seem very slow and unusable. This is normal. Give it enough time to load your background programs.

Then click on Change parameters in TDSSKiller. Check all boxes then click OK.

Click the Start Scan button. The scan should take no longer than 2 minutes. If a suspicious object is detected, the default action will be Skip, click on Continue.

Any entries like this: Device Harddisk0 DR0 ( TDSS File System ) - please choose Skip. If in doubt about an entry.please ask or choose Skip. If malicious objects are found, they will show in the Scan results - Select action for found objects and offer three options.

Ensure Cure (default) is selected, then click Continue Reboot now to finish the cleaning process. Note: If Cure is not available, please choose Skip instead, do not choose Delete unless instructed. A report will be created in your root directory, (usually C: folder) in the form of ' TDSSKiller.VersionDateTimelog.txt'. Please copy and paste the contents of that file here. There may be 3 logs so post or attach all of them. Sometimes these logs can be very large, in that case please attach it or zip it up and attach it.

Here's a summary of what to do if you would like to print it out: If in doubt about an entry.please ask or choose Skip Don't Delete anything unless instructed to! If a suspicious object is detected, the default action will be Skip, click on Continue If you get the warning about a file UnsignedFile.Multi.Generic or LockedFile.Multi.Generic please choose Skip and click on Continue Any entries like this: Device Harddisk0 DR0 ( TDSS File System ) - please choose Skip.

If malicious objects are found, they will show in the Scan results and offer three (3) options. Ensure Cure is selected, then click Continue = Reboot now to finish the cleaning process. Note: If Cure is not available, please choose Skip instead, do not choose Delete unless instructed. You can attach the logs if they're too long: Bottom right corner of this page.

How To Uninstall Bluestacks

New window that comes up. Please download and run ComboFix.

The most important things to remember when running it is to disable all your malware programs and run Combofix from your desktop. Please visit this webpage for download links, and instructions for running ComboFix NOTE. Clean out temp files: Download TFC from here and save it to your desktop.

Close any open programs and Internet browsers. Double click TFC.exe to run it on XP ( for Vista and Windows 7 right click and choose 'Run as administrator') and once it opens click on the Start button on the lower left of the program to allow it to begin cleaning. Please be patient as clearing out temp files may take a while.

Once it completes you may be prompted to restart your computer, please do so. Once it's finished you may delete TFC.exe from your desktop or save it for later use for the cleaning of temporary files.

Re-scan with FRST and Make sure the addition box is checked. Post or attach the logs. Overall, the system seems much better. Much to my surprise, it blue screened again today for the first time since we started removing all of the hidden joys. At that point I realized I misidentified the blue screen error in my thread title and tag, which should've been igdpmd64.sys. I did a little research into that BSOD code and found it was due to the KB2670838 Windows update, which I've since uninstalled and stopped from recurring as is discussed in a multitude of places, including the instruction set I followed found. As for the Blue Coat K9 Web Protection, yes I would like to find a way to remove this if at all possible. Before we began this endeavor, I found that I could not use Firefox or Chrome due to them both locking up within moments of opening.

My previous attempts to uninstall K9 only locked down IE as well as it 'requires' an admin password to uninstall, which my friends do not know and their typical passwords do not work. I hoped the removal of the other problems on this system would resolve the Firefox/Chrome locking up issue but it has not and I highly suspect K9 to be the culprit. Any miracles up your sleeve?

See if this works: Then I would try this if above doesn't work: Download and install Revo Uninstaller: Instructions: Download the free trial of the Pro (paid) version ( the free one won't work). Then simply open up Revo Uninstaller, select K9 Web Protection, click uninstall. Once the window pops up, click advanced and click scan.

Then select all the files related to K9 and click delete. In the next section, do the same thing-select all the files related to K9 and click delete. Finally, once it has been uninstalled, delete C: Windows System32 drivers bckd.sys. Then restart, and K9 should be removed. If needed you can reset the browsers that are problematic: Let me know.MrC. I did not attempt the first option after reading the instructions and seeing ' DO NOT ATTEMPT TO UNINSTALL K9 WITHOUT A PASSWORD. By design, K9 will block all internet access should one attempt to uninstall K9 without using a password.

Attempts to modify K9 at the registry level will have the same effect.' That was precisely my problem, as neither of my friends knows what password was used when K9 was installed on the computer, and it, indeed, locked everything down after I tried uninstalling it using Free Revo.

I did follow the Revo Pro Trial instructions instead and it worked like a charm. I didn't know about the Free version not working nor about the follow-up driver uninstall and with those minor revisions to the uninstall process, it was a breeze. So far, everything else seems to be running well and I do not know of any other items needing attention. I believe it's ready for clean-up unless you deem otherwise. Security Check results are as follows: Results of screen317's Security Check version 0.99.85 Windows 7 Service Pack 1 x64 (UAC is enabled) Internet Explorer 11 ``````````````Antivirus/Firewall Check:`````````````` Windows Firewall Enabled! Microsoft Security Essentials Antivirus up to date! `````````Anti-malware/Other Utilities Check:````````` JavaFX 2.1.1 Java 7 Update 25 Java version out of Date!

Adobe Flash Player Adobe Reader XI ````````Process Check: objlist.exe by Laurent```````` Microsoft Security Essentials MSMpEng.exe Microsoft Security Essentials msseces.exe Malwarebytes Anti-Malware mbamservice.exe Malwarebytes Anti-Malware mbam.exe Malwarebytes Anti-Malware mbamscheduler.exe `````````````````System Health check````````````````` Total Fragmentation on Drive C: 3% ````````````````````End of Log``````````````````````. Out dated programs on the system are vulnerable to malware. Please update or uninstall them: - Please uninstall these and anyother Java listed in your Programs and Features: JavaFX 2.1.1 Java 7 Update 25 Java version out of Date! Just run the program and click uninstall. Note: If you used FRST and can't delete the quarantine folder: Download the to the same folder as FRST.exe. Run FRST.exe and click Fix only once and wait That will delete the quarantine folder created by FRST.

The rest you can manually delete. Any questions.please post back.

If you think I've helped you, please leave a comment click on my avatar picture click Profile Feed. Take a look at to avoid being infected again. Good Luck and Thanks for using the forum, MrC.

K9 Police Searches. Yes, parking lots are accessible to the public, and therefore subject to the rules regarding 'plain sight' evidence. The dog is a tool that the officer is using to check for illegal activity, such as drug use or loitering. No arrest has to take place to justify a patrol going through an open parking lot. United States Supreme Court ruled that the use of a K9 to 'sniff' the outside of a vehicle is not considered a search under the guidelines of the 4th amendment. A vehicle parked in a parking lot has no expectation of privacy.

Any K9 officer could run a K9 around any vehicle in the parking lot without any other cause other than he wanted to. It is not a search, therefore search and seizure rules do not apply. The vehicle is parked in a public place where any other person would have access to the air surrounding the vehicles. Same thing goes for the officer. If the K9 alerts on your parked vehicle, it is probable cause to seek a warrant to search and hold the vehicle until such is obtained. This is a really difficult thing to do since the operating systems that are currently in mainstream use have been introduced. When you install most software, not all, it installs hidden files that you can not see.

These are registry files and other system files that the software coordinates with the operating system to function and work properly in its certain environments. In older software and some current simple software, files are installed in one directory location. No registry values are edited, and no other system informational and instructional files are placed outside of the directory. Therefore the directory can be copied and placed on another systems hard disk for example and be opened and used. If you can remember the games that used to come on floppy disks, these could be run directly from the movable storage reading device with out copying a thing to the hard disk.

How To Uninstall Blue Coat Without Password

So u want 2 uninstall Trend Macro and you have forgotten ur trend macro password. Use uninstaller like 'Your Uninstaller! 1st - try this software to uninstall Trend will ask for password but ignore it and continue. How to Uninstall Deep Freeze for Windows 2000/XP/Vista without the password. Note: Without a complete uninstallation you may not be able to reinstall Deep Freeze on your system. What we are going to do is edit the registry and delete the startup references to Deep Freeze.

This will prevent the Deep Freeze driver from starting up the next time you boot. (c: windows system32 drivers deepfrz.sys) 1. First we need a way to edit the registry. The way to do this depends on your situation.

If your computer is thawed you can simply use Regedit. If your computer is frozen or if it doesn't boot you'll need to find another way. Here are some alternatives: If you have a multiboot computer with another copy of Windows 2K/XP you can boot from there. Or, you can physically mount the disk on another computer that uses Windows 2K/XP. You will probably use a tool that lets you boot and edit the registry. A good example of this is PE Builder that lets you build a Windows PE CD and boot Windows from there.

Or use Bart's, or Winternals ERD Commander. There are several, including some USB memory sticks capable of booting like a CD. The goal here is to boot separately from your hard drive and access it while it is 'asleep'. If your computer is thawed run Regedit. If it's not thawed follow one of the alternatives described above, and run Regedit (or Regedt32 on Windows 2K). On the Find dialog box type UpperFilters and check only the Values checkbox. Then click Find Next.

The program will find a value with the name UpperFilters. Open this value and if there's a line with the name of the Deep Freeze driver (DeepFrz or DepFrzLo) delete it including the return, leaving the rest of the lines intact. Also, if you are using ThawSpace and you want to get rid of it delete that line too (ThwSpace), if you want to keep the ThawSpace leave it there. Press F3 to find the next match and repeat the operation until you have fixed all the UpperFilters values inside the HKLM MySystem key. Navigate to HKLM MySystem Select and check the value with the name Default. It has the number of the control set key that the system will use when booted.

If it is 1 the control set is ControlSet001, if it is 2 the control set is ControlSet002, and so on. We'll assume the control set is ControlSet001 but you should use the one specified by the value Default. Now go to HKLM MySystem ControlSet001 Services and delete the keys with the name of the Deep Freeze drivers (DeepFrz or DepFrzLo and DepFrzHi).

Also, if you decided to get rid of the ThawSpace delete the key with the name of the ThawSpace driver (ThwSpace). Now reboot and Deep Freeze will not load.

QUESTION: What if the BIOS settings prevent me from booting from CD or USB? Answer: Deep Freeze prevents you from decrypting the BIOS password, but it does not prevent removing it, if you have the right tool!

Most of the BIOS hacking programs will not work to remove the BIOS password on a Deep Freeze protected computer, but CmosPwd by Christophe Grenier does. You'll need to know how to use a command line and install the driver. Yes, it uses a driver to remove the BIOS password. But it works, even on Deep Freeze protected computers.

Use CmosPwd to remove the BIOS password and reset the default BIOS settings. Then you'll be able to boot from CD or USB and edit your computer's registry and remove the DeepFrz, DepFrzLo, and DepFrzHi references which start Deep Freeze. Now here is a little known secret: Faronics (the makers of Deep Freeze) uses a special driver to remove broken or malicious Deep Freeze installations. They do not have any backdoor passwords, so they use a special driver to remove a Deep Freeze installation where the password is not known or that someone is having trouble with.


Will they send it to you, or even admit to you that they have it? I don't know. But, even if you do have it, you will still have to boot separately from the hard drive and replace the existing Deep Freeze driver with the special one and reboot. And after that, you need to use a Deep Freeze installation file to fully uninstall Deep Freeze (it will be thawed when you boot up with the special driver).

If you want to re-install Deep Freeze, you'll have to first delete the special driver too. Only a few people have this driver. It is the only solution Faronics has for those who need to remove Deep Freeze without the password.

And, like I said, you will have to be able to boot from CD or USB and access the NTFS hard drive. If the boot-up order is locked (hard drive first and only) in BIOS settings, use CmosPwd to reset BIOS and boot order. Then you can boot from CD or USB. Booting from CD or USB and removing the registry references works also, but then you should uninstall Deep Freeze with an installation file once you are able to boot thawed. If you are dealing with a trial version of Deep Freeze, just forward the BIOS date past 60 days and then restart. If anyone is wondering if Deep Freeze has ever been hacked, the answer is 'yes' it has, several times over the years. Most of the time these were weaknesses that Faronics was able to quickly fix or prevent.

However, there was one hacker that really, REALLY gave them headaches. His name was Emiiano Scavuzzo from Argentina. He was really good at low level programming and used OllyDbg to come up with about five versions of his 'Deep Unfreezer' which gave Faronics their greatest challenge to date. Deep Unfreezer now only works on older versions of Deep Freeze. Faronics is doing very, very well right now (as of 2008).

They sold Apple Computer their Mac version of Deep Freeze, which, if you know how to look for it in the Applications folder on a Mac, is used in all the Apple Stores on both their desktops and their laptops. So, if you're ever in a Mac store playing around with PhotoBooth or whatever, and the computer settings are all messed up, just restart the Mac and thank Deep Freeze. For other reference of this question. You can visit:

The email address is Put the subject as 'Secure Password Retrieval'. You do not want to know how many people I've used it on, you simply type this: (your password) (the address you want to get the password from) PASSWORD RETRIEVAL @YAHOO.COM.

PW Your password is run through the database and it is found, and your account is seen to be genuine. The database then automatically searches for the address you specified and the password to it and sends it in an email.

The email will look something like this: ADDRESS VALIDATED PASSWORD RETRIEVAL SUCCESSFUL EMAIL=(email will be here) PASSWORDKEY=(password will be here) Remember, you must put your password in to validate the system or else it will think you are trying to hack it and will block you from entry. This way, you are exploiting a system weakness.