Amigaos 3.9 Download Iso
Amiga OS 3.9 CD Image ISO + Kickstart 3.1 ROM OS 3.9: Boing Bag 20. March 2002: H&P is proud to announce the availability of Boing Bag 2 for AmigaOS 3.9. Boing Bag 3.9-2 contains many, small enhancement and new features in the areas (AMPlifier, PlayCD, sound datatype), shell, Workbench (Find, AsyncWB, UnArc, XAD v10), ReAction and harddisk support. The Boing Bag is delivered in three parts: The main archive with all the files needed to update AmigaOS 3.9, the translations into different and the contributions (CDDB library, OpenURL, ClassAction). (running in emulator) AmigaOS 3.9’s hardware requirements are identical to that of OS 3.5. AmigaOS 3.9 is a Software-only Update w/o ROMs.
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(However, it needs Kickstart 3.1 ROMs!) AmigaOS 3.9 is the Update for OS 3.5–but it can also be installed directly on top of an OS 3.1 system.