Hypptv Hack 2017
Download free minecraft hack client venomous. Good day to all. Sorry for the late post on the ENGLISH version for the Playstore recovery steps for Hyptv Set Top Box – Huawei EC6108V8 – Playstore. FOR THE MODEL EC6108V9 IT IS UNDERSTOOD IF YOU ARE USING THIS METHOD, YOU MIGHT BRICK YOUR BOX, PLEASE REFER HERE INSTEAD There are 2 methods of recovery from the recovery screen; 1) using option (2) – apply update from backup 2) using option (3) – apply update from the external storage.
The file update.zip is needed. Text guide: 1) For Hyptv Set Top Box – Huawei EC6108V8 who is having the hyptv account, please call TM (100) for the user id and password. This is nothing but for backup purpose. 2) This step is the alternative step if you failed at first attempt of using option (2). Download the update.zip file using your computer and put into a USB drive. File can be download here 3) Make sure your box is disconnected from the internet; unplug the LAN cable, switch OFF the wifi. 4) Power off the box.
Make sure the power button behind the box is OFF as well. No LED/light displayed at the box. 5) Press the ‘red’ power button on the remote repetitively while powering ON the box using the power button behind the box. Keep pressing repetitively until the box come to the recovery mode. 6) Key in the code 304830 until the message ‘Correct Password.’ is displayed and the recovery menu screen loaded.
Hypptv Ec6108v8 Hack 2017
7) Choose option (2) – update from backup. If the option (2) is not working, for the next try, use option (3) – update from external storate instead. Look for the update.zip file then press OK. 8) Recovery process begin. Wait until the process completed. The box will reboot itself.
9) Once booted, please disable the auto-update. Refer here 10) Then only connect your box to internet.
Failure to do step (9), before (10), your box will be updated again. 11) Proceed to the box setup eg software installation etc. Sy dah 1.restore back up,(bjaya) 2.saya dah tutup autoupdate (bjaya) 3. Dah tukar ntp sbb google playstore keep loading (bjaya) 4.nak install koditp kodi kat google playstore dah upgrade.so tak compatible.
5.so sy install es explorer.sbb nak install apk kodi 6. Tp setakat ni.
Kodi 16.1 blum dpt install.(sy baru jumpa apk kat blog en. Tp blum install lagi) soalan nya 1.Boleh ke sy on balik auto update? 2.Boleh ke sy tukar ntp ke ntp asal? If hypptv sy update, kodi,es explorer sy still working ke nnti Tq en.post en sangat2 membantu.