Paranormal Activity 2007 Torrent Download Kickass
Not one part of the movie scared me. Production values are obviously not there on purpose, and the movie feels cheap the entire way through. I went in expecting a lot from this movie based on user and critic reviews and I was very disappointed. The story is basic and makes little sense when trying to tie back to another storyline about a girl named 'Diane.' The entire movie is about a couple teasing a demon until they tick him off enough to kill and possess the people inhabiting the house. Cheaply made movie that looks and feels cheaply made with a corny, stereotypical storyline thats been done multiple times. The movie left me with nothing when it was done.
Don't waste your cash. 98% of the movie was completely LAME! The plot sucked, the acting sucked, and the camera movement was exaggerated and made me want to throw up.
Throughout the entire movie I was hoping and praying that there was going to be something scarier that would happen. This is the entire movie summed up for you. Something weird happening to the girl.the start recording themselves to see if they catch footage or weird things happening.they hear a noise.they go to sleep.the door opens.they go to sleep.something moves downstairs.they go to sleep.something bangs on the walls.they go to sleep.something breaths.they go to sleep.finally something a little bit scary happens.the movie ends.oh ya and at one point a demon with hooves leaves three footprints on the floor. There was a scene that gave the plot a little bit of hope. They hear noises one night and find out that their attic has been opened. The bf goes upstairs and find a picture.
The picture ends up being a picture of the gf when she was little and part of the picture is burned off. Then the plot going back to the same thing. When that scene happened i was thinking, 'oh o. Looks like it might start getting interesting'.
Then all of my hopes were smashed as the plot less plot continued. I felt very angry when the movie ended because I feel it was a sham and a rip-off. The whole 'vote the movie into a theater near you' was a huge hoax they pulled to hype up the movie. I bet you the director and creators of this movie were laughing their asses off as people were blindly walking into the theater and throwing away their hard earned money.
They must be profiting madly because these people must have only used about 75k for the creation of this movie. Also I do not know what is going thru peoples minds that think this was an incredible movie.
I read someones comment that this was just as good as the exorcist. These people must be paid bloggers because nobody in their right mind would ever think that about this movie. To make matters worse I paid 19 dollars to watch this movie with my gf. We both agreed that even Drag me to Hell was better (I think Drag Me To Hell sucks by the way). I gave Drag me to Hell a 3 because it had a few scary/creepy scenes. If its free then go watch it. If somebody is inviting you, then decline this movie and go watch something else.
Trust me you wont regret it. That's right! I cant sleep now.
Because instead of sleeping i am sitting here pondering what could be going thru peoples minds who actually commented good on this movie. Seriously one star is too much. I wish I could vote in the negatives.
In fact I created this account just to write about this movie. For starters I didn't buy into all the hype. Why, because I just recently heard about this movie. I didn't hear anything good or bad just that it existed. Well I enjoy 'scary' movies so figured Id check it out. Nothing at all was scary.
I repeat NOTHING at all was scary! I was bored out of my mind 80% of the film. 19% I was angered at the idiot boyfriend or the retarded GF.
Seriously, Someone here said that they reacted realistically to the situations. What is wrong with you! The woman acted as if she just wanted to ignore everything and hoped it went away. Yet claimed it had been happening since she was 8. They guy on the other hand pretended he had the slightest clue as to what he was doing. 'I GOT A PLAN' as he sprinkles baby powder on the floor.
WTH did he think that was going to do. Show him something/someone was there. Hadnt that already been established by that point of the 'film'?
Where was the plan? He threatens the 'ghost/demon' what ever the heck it was as if hes going to fight it. The only time the acting was good is. Well never mind because it wasn't ever good. OK at best during the many arguments that took place in the film. Oh I forgot to mention the other 1% of the film.well that was the 'scary' parts. The Ouija board scene.
Interesting or cool perhaps but far from scary. Doors slamming. Um, perhaps I would've been scared when I was 6 but come on is this really what people find scary about this movie? The girl getting dragged out of bed. Perhaps the most scary scene in the movie as well as the best done scene. However it still wasn't really scary.
Because just like every other nite the camera is sped up and then just before anything happens it goes back to normal speed. Completely ruining any chance for suspense or fright. Not to mention how it slowly grabs her leg and gently pulls her out of bed.
Fourth, The powder foot steps. So are we afraid of the easter bunny as well? That may be scary in a real life situation, however in the movie it was just lame and boring. Id enjoyed it more if there were a point to it all. Which I never did see. There was no real story line.
Girl haunted by ghost since shes 8 follows her around. Bf pisses ghost off. Both end up dead.
Majority of the time were watching them sleep. Wth is so scary about that!? Fast forward thru the sleep scene around 3ish each night. Ghost does something 'spooky' cut to next morning.
'OMG look the door closed! Granted if this were to happen to me in real life id need a box of adult diapers however. This is a movie and watching it on film.
Just isn't scary in the least. Its boring, drawn out (much like my post), comical(and not just the scenes that were meant to be) and well anything BUT scary. On a positive note. I didn't waste any money on the film = for that reason and that reason alone I guess it deserves my 1 star. I've seriously come to the conclusion that all the positive comments left about this movie were made by family or friends of the people involved. I wouldn't be surprised if the director didn't sit down create 100+ accounts and leave all the comments himself as a publicity scam.
I think that a crime has been committed here. And I only hope and pray that no one else has to be victimized by this horrendous film! Oh and to cadillack. Your kidding right? To me you sound like a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Paranormal CRAPTivity is a great idea.
I was so psyched to see it, but it doesn't play out. The marketing got me and a lot of other butts in the seats and I say good for the filmmaker, he made this piece of crap, sat on it for years, was told by everyone it was crap and they couldn't sell it, then along came Spielberg and finds the marketing angle, Let's pull a Jackass but show the audience terrified instead of laughing. I just wish they had a better movie to begin with.
Anyone who has had to canvas a house knows you turn on every light in every room you pass as you explore the room. When a noise is heard he has the presence of mind to grab the camera turn on it's light but not bother to flip on the stair lights on his way down?
When you exit the couples bedroom there is a room on the left that was NEVER entered. The door is open, but they just walk past it. At another point he exits the bedroom and b-lines for the far left room without turning on any lights? When he looks in the attic his only light was the camera light, he then gives her the camera so he can explore the dark attic, HE HAS NO LIGHT???
Why wouldn't he want to call the Demon dude? Why would she be against the camera? Their motives are questionable.
If I have a camera on us and I find the misses outside in the cold (AND she doesn't remember it), I'm checking the footage the following day to see what time she got up. That's when I see her standing there. I'm thinking this chick is gonna kill me, and I'm calling her mother or her sister.
Another thing, they don't have a 9-5 job, why not stay up all night? Top 10 things to do when things go bump in the night. Grab the camera turn its light on but don't bother to flick a light switch when you pass it. Give only light source back to girl and find photo in pitch black attic. Don't examine tape when girl sleep walks.
If you do don't worry that she's standing over you for 3 hours. When you get phenomenal footage of your girl getting drug to another room, do nothing with the footage and spend another night in the room. When your girl has a mysterious bruise/bite don't bother taking her to the ER. You probably don't have insurance anyway, this isn't Canada after all. Don't bother to get a dog for protection. Despite the cat statue on the fireplace, you hate animals anyway.
Take a big interest in girl's demon, but refuse to call demon guy, you're too rich to afford that. Find footsteps on floor and get great footage of it, but don't call media or police. Make sure the 'chosen one' sleeps next to the open door. NEVER offer to trade spots with her or lock the door. Don't Google anything until act three, research is a waste of time. Keep the hardwood floors clean, because the most interesting thing about the movie was when I turned to the wife and said, 'Those are nice floors,' and she said, 'I was thinking the same thing.' PARANORMAL ACTIVITY is THE most popular movie of the year and will ultimately be regarded as one of the best horror movies of all time.
Therefore, PA has warranted a HUGE debate on whether it sucks or not. Under this pretense, I have divided this review into 3 sections: 1 for the things in the movie that work, 1 for the things that don't, and 1 for the summation.THE GOOD. 1. Originality - not a cheap knockoff or a member of Hollywood's non-stop horror remake/reboot wave. That is a game winner right there! Comparable to the Blair Witch Project, PA has received a lot of flack as being a rip off of BWP. Taken into consideration, the film's only real similarity to BWP is the use of home camera/1st person footage, and non-professionals inducing reactions from the supernatural world.
That said, you have to answer yourself a question: Would you rather see another Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake, or a completely original off-BWP type film? Suspense and Tension - the film does not rely on cheap scares and loud noises deafening you to induce the desire reaction of fear. Nor does it have the smallest fraction of gore/sex/exploitation compared to most of today's horror movies. If you prefer horror movies that usually don't stick with you and follow you out of the theater, then skip it by all means. The film gives you a few inches, and leaves your imagination to finish the mile. A suggestion on viewing the film: If you want to get the most out of Paranormal Activity, then DO NOT see it in the local theater on a Friday night. We all know what happens when you are in a theater with middle and high school kids during a horror movie.
To fully immerse yourself in the movie, see it with your significant other, by yourself, or with just a couple of friends at a time when the theater is the least crowded. Try to see it at night, or at home in the dark. This film invades the sanctity of one's bedroom, and the old tactic of pulling the covers over your head doesn't work. Special Effects - even on a small budget, the film provides some very impacting scenery. Some effects are blatantly obvious, and some of the best effects are actually the most subtle.
Acting - the movie is well acted considering it is full of unknowns. The characters are not obnoxious like most horror movie protagonists. They appear genuine and very convincing in most of the film.
But in some scenes, not so much. Plot - there is a pleasant (oxymoron) surprise with the direction the film went regarding the source of the phenomena. It's not your typical ghost or haunted house story. I will not embellish on this as it will spoil the movie for those who haven't or are deciding to see the movie.THE NOT SO GOOD.
1. Writing - this is actually a 50/50 split. The 'supernatural' scenes are very convincing considering the subject matter, whether scripted or improvised.
However, the dialog and character motivation/action during the 'down time' is unrealistic at times. This is a large complaint by those who didn't like the movie. Although the film is a large departure from teen filled slasher movies, the characters at times seem to be just as brainless as the teens getting whacked by Jason. There is a lot of 'WHY DIDN'T THEY JUST.?' Scenes in the movie.
Acting - like the writing, the acting seems to suffer in the 'down time'. Fortunately, during the important (scary) scenes, the acting is spot-on, and very convincing. However, you might be taken out of the movie when the protagonists are interacting with each other during the in-between scenes, and the authenticity of their relationship is questionable in some parts. Scenery - granted that the whole movie is filmed in or on the characters' house, the static viewpoint of the camera gets a little boring. With all the phenomena going on, it would have been refreshing to see things from a different angle, especially in the bedroom. Fortunately, this doesn't hinder the movie, just a minor complaint.AS A HORROR FAN.
Follow the suggestions above regarding with who, where and how to watch the movie. Seen under the right circumstances, and with the right state of mind, the film can be very effective, and having you looking over your shoulder when you turn out all the lights in the house, and crawl into bed. For this reason, I fully endorse this movie as a new member of the horror family. Fresh and original, the movie deserves all of the attention it is getting. Let this be a glaring message to Hollywood that originality is still the craved for in the movie industry.
Horror fans have grown tired of having their favorite classics butchered and pointlessly remade. Directors and producers do not deserve revenue for just upping the violence and sexual gratification of old horror movies. The film's success is also a great indication that as a population, movie goers respond better to thought provocative subjects than mindless in-your-face cannon fodder.
It relieves me to some degree to see that tension-fear based horror movies still have the chance to take the cake. Especially on such a small budget. Well Done, producers, directors, and actors.
First of all I must say, living in Belgium, I have the benefit of not being caught up in the hype machine. I'm sure if I were living in the States, I too would be numb to the affects of this film. I would imagine being in a crowded cinema would take away from the intimacy of the scares. I watched this alone on my couch in the comforts of my own home cinema. I am a huge horror fan, not just a gore hound, though I do enjoy some good gore f/x from time to time, but most of all I love a good scare.which is rather hard to come. Films that have scared me are, The Changeling, The Innocents, The Ring, Inside (A L'Interior), The Brood, Blair Witch. I'm not easily scared, but given the circumstances in which I watched PARANORMAL ACTIVITY I was quite tense.
This film is a lot like Blair Witch, Cloverfield in the use of the home camera, but the way in which the characters in PARANORMAL approach their situation is rather realistic and believable. The characters are like normal people, not Hollywood types.
Paranormal Activity Download Free
The acting is fine and the characters are fun and likable. The only thing I had a problem with (as far as believability) was the exorcism footage they looked at on the net. Maybe I would have been disappointed if I had driven half an hour to the closest English language cinema to see this film when it comes out in December. I love going to the cinema for the great image and sound quality.
I wouldn't want to watch AVATAR for the first time at home. But PARANORMAL ACTIVITY is the film to watch at home with as few people and distractions as possible. It's not groundbreaking or amazing, but it works and it's good. I applaud the filmmakers for sending some chills down my spine. Lower those expectations and enjoy the ride.