Swos Money Maker
As most of us know and in my opinion PC version is designed for: Czech players only / romaneq / poeple who love stupid 'physics from ass' (in Polish 'fizyka z dupy'), hehe So I cannot help a lot with making trainer for this poor version because any player can use other version of DosBOX confifured in other way. Anyway, finding correct memory location with Cheat Engine should be piece of cake. Easiest than in Amiga version - because as far as I remember - money amount value do not must be swaped. For other who love Amiga version like me I writted trainer in Delphi using WinAPI. Once again I type link to it here: - enjoy. It works with swosuae.dll or winuae.exe as alternative process. It finds correct place in process memory.
Maximum value to set is 58 milions like number on my SWOS T-Shirts. If some PC maniac interested I can share a source code and he can port it to DosBOX version if in PC version finding the same or other bytes sequence can be done. Because pointer modification may be useless from many PC SWOS and DosBOX configiration reasons.
Money Maker Synonym
Easy goal: Line up to take a shot at the goal. As soon as the shot is made, press R key, then hold Fire. When the screen returns, the players will not move and the ball will not be saved. Free player: Go to the transfers screen and offer to buy a team's first striker and substitute striker. Set the money to 0, and offer your main striker, in that order. If the other club accepts the bid, you will keep your main striker while acquiring the other team's main striker. This will work for any players of the same position.
Money Maker Games
Source: GameWinners.com, http://www.gamewinners.com.